Author Interview with Anusha Atukorala

From time to time, I’ll bring you interviews with authors from different genres who have a positive message to share with their readers. I’m thrilled to welcome inspirational Christian author Anusha Atukorala as my first guest.

Thanks for stopping by, Anusha. We’ll chat about your new book in a minute, but first let’s get to know you a little better.

You and your husband Shan and son Asela migrated to Australia from Sri Lanka back in 1999. That must have been a big decision for you. What prompted your move?

Anusha, Asela and Shan

You got that right, Nola—it was a huge decision.  For many years, Sri Lanka struggled with an ethnic conflict, so it wasn’t a safe place to raise a family. I’d often need to rush to school to pick up my five-year-old amidst bomb threats. Scary! We also wanted to give Asela a better education—schooling in Sri Lanka was extremely stressful. Even five-year-olds had to sit for exams, poor little tykes! When we reached Australia, what a thrill it was to discover that learning was fun and that building diverse life skills was on the cards.

Wow, that would have taken a lot of courage to make that move, but Australia is better for it. Your parents were a big influence on your writing. Could you tell us a bit about that?

Sure. My Dad was the Director of a newspaper group in Sri Lanka. Mum joined his company at the tender age of 17, soon becoming a journalist, a job she excelled in for over 70 years. In 2014, she received a Lifetime Achievement Award. Books were a big part of our family life and my parents passed on their love of the English language to all of us, their seven children. Mum was my cheerleader and championed my writing. It was comforting to find that the last email she wrote before she died was in response to my latest blog.

It sounds like they were amazing people. Writing genes certainly run in your family. Your third book, Sharing the Journey, has just been released. What inspired it and what can readers expect to find within its pages?

Thanks Nola. My first book Enjoying the Journey was published in July 2010. It was a great experience, and I was on a high, so I wrote two more books immediately, the first of them being Sharing the Journey. Finding a publisher for it took years though, so here we are … TEN years later! I strongly believe that in God’s plans, it is right on time. The book contains 75 little stories of everyday life, with truths I’ve gleaned from them on how to live with joy, passion and purpose.

You were all set to have your book launch, but had to postpone it due to the COVID-19 restrictions. The world is certainly a different place than it was a few months ago. Does your book offer anything that could help people cope with these challenging times?

It’s been interesting that Sharing the Journey was released at a time when it has been very difficult to share the journey in practical ways. This book reminds readers that they are never alone and that better days are ahead. I didn’t realise that Sharing the Journey would be birthed during a pandemic when I wrote it. Nevertheless, it offers hope, comfort and strength to its readers to help navigate this present confusing world. It also highlights what the pandemic has made obvious—we need each other!

It’s amazing how those things work out in God’s timing. Your last book, Dancing in the Rain, was also birthed in difficult times. Can you tell us a bit more about that? 

I’d been through a tough season then and I plunged into what I called my ‘season of grief and pruning’. I grieved for two months as God did a spring cleaning in my heart. One day, I woke up with a start. ‘There’s a book in this! Wow!’ Healing came thick and fast as I wrote Dancing in the Rain. What a comfort to discover that my pain had a purpose! What great joy to share the comfort I’d received so that I could help others going through their own dark nights of the soul!

Many people are going through a tough season at the moment. If you could give a word of encouragement to people during this current world crisis, what would you tell them?

Whatever you are going through right now, there’s Someone who knows you by name and loves you. He cares deeply for you. His arms are wide open. He seeks to share your journey. He will be your Shelter from the storm. I pray you will discover a new Hope that will add joy peace, courage and strength for all your tomorrows.

And thank you dear Nola for having me here today. I greatly enjoyed our little chat!

Thanks so much, Anusha. It’s been great finding out a bit more about you. I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.

Book Giveaway

Anusha has kindly made available an autographed copy of her latest book, Sharing the Journey, for one lucky reader. In order to enter the draw for the prize, just add a comment below by midnight on Sunday 24 May 2020 (Australian Eastern Standard Time). The winner will be chosen at random from the eligible comments, and their name will be published in my next newsletter and on the Nola Lorraine Facebook page. As the prize is a print book, this giveaway is only available for those with an Australian postal address. (Hopefully, I’ll be able to have other giveaways in the future that will be open to anyone.) For full terms, please click here.

Author Bio

Anusha has been on many interesting detours in life, as a lab technician, a computer programmer, a full-time Mum, a full-time volunteer, a charity director, a job chaser, until one golden day (or was it a dark moonless night?) God tapped her on her shoulder and called her to write for Him. She has never recovered from the joy it brought her. She loves to see others enjoying life with Jesus and does her mite to hurry the process in her world through her writing and through her life. The goodness of God is her theme song through each season, as she dances in the rain with Jesus.

You can find more inspirational posts from Anusha on her Dancing in the Rain website and blog.

She would also love to connect with you on her author Facebook page.

Her first book Enjoying the Journey contains 75 little God stories that will bring you closer to your Creator. This book was published by Back to the Bible in Sri Lanka, and can be ordered through Anusha’s website.

Her second book Dancing in the Rain brings you hope and comfort for life’s soggy seasons. It was published by Armour Books and can be purchased from Koorong, Book Depository, and Amazon (among others).

Her third book Sharing the Journey is a sequel to Enjoying the Journey and was released in March 2020. It can be purchased direct from Elephant House Press in Australia, or from Book Depository or Amazon.


21 Responses

  1. Great to read a bit more of your story Anusha. I’m still learning to dance in the rain and for me part of that is realising the beauty and benefits in sharing our journeys. xx

    1. Hi dear Janelle. Lovely to hear from you. Good on you for dancing in the rain. I fully agree that there’s nothing like dancing in the rain together. I know God has created us for community. May God’s smile be on you today and always.

  2. I’ve just started reading Sharing the Journey and I’m enjoying it immensely so far! Have read Enjoying the Journey and Dancing in the Rain I was excited to start this new book.
    Sharing the Journey, as well as the first two books, deliver lovely little anecdotes of Anusha’s life experiences with lots of inspiration and encouragement.
    I lead a connect group of ladies between the ages of 80 and 97 and have used and will be using some of these for discussion in our group! The ladies love them!
    Thanks Nola and Anusha for sharing today!

    1. Thanks so much lovely Lesley for your kind words. Thank you for buying my latest book and I am so glad you are enjoying it. I’m delighted that you can use it in your connect group – wow – what a wonderful ministry. Love it. Thank you for reading and responding. May God continue to bless you abundantly as you reach out so faithfully to others.

  3. Great interview, thanks Anu and Nola. It was good to fill in a few blank spots in my knowledge of you, Anu. I’m really enjoying sharing the journey with you. Thanks again for your ongoing encouragement.

    1. Thanks so much dear Nettie. I too am enjoying sharing my journey with you especially in the last little while as I have got to know you better. Thank you for your prayers for my journey and your love and support which have blessed me immensely. Thanks also for your practical help and encouragement in my writing journey. I appreciate it all. May God bless you my friend and make His face to shine upon you.

  4. Dearest Anu
    Proud to be your sis and I thank God for the love of writing He gave you from a young age. Your writings touch the readers hearts as it often resonates with their journeys up mountains and down into valleys and yet, bringing so much hope!
    I look forward to holding a copy in my hand and sharing what’s within its pages with others.
    May He continue to use the power of the written word combined with the every day mundane and ‘-‘potholes’ of life plus your faith to inspire us all.

    1. Dearest sis Sal,
      Thanks so much for stopping by and for your generous comments. Not just me – you have the gift of writing too. Yes, I look forward to sending you a copy when I can – thanks heaps for writing such a lovely foreword for it. Blessings and much love to you and keep shining for Him through all you do.
      Bigger hugs, 🙂
      Anu xox

      1. Dearest Sis.
        So proud of your writings and thankful for them as you bless the world by Sharing your experiences and intimate knowledge of our Saviour.
        I loved your first two books and look forward to reading Sharing the Journey a copy of which I just received. May God richly bless you and use you as you follow Him

        1. Dearest big Sis,
          Thanks so much for stopping by and for your generous comments. Thanks too for your many prayers and support for my writing journey. Thank you for buying copies of my book to read and share. Bless you. Do hope you find in it much blessing.

          God bless you always and thank you for sharing my journey all through my life and for being a wonderful sister.
          Love always. xoxo

  5. Beautiful Interview Anu.. Yes it was great reading your and also being there for the launch of your 1st Book.. And also I have to bring this interesting infor.. As it is mentioned in the interview about Anu’s Mom being a Writer and having the Famous Column in the Woman’s Paper at that time… Aunty Anne’s Page..I used wait for the Wednesday every week to read that Page.. I’m Sure you’ve got your Beautiful Mom’s Talent… Lovely.. wish you all the very Best & Keep writing .
    Love n Blessings

    1. Thanks so much dear Renuka. Thanks for your presence at my first book launch and the lovely time we had with all your mums of Mum and Me. Thanks too for highlighting Mama’s Problem page – yes, many have told me what a lot they gained from it and how they would wait for it each week. Thanks so much for the reminder. Thank you for all your encouragement my friend.
      God bless you always.

  6. It was very interesting to read about your inspiring life and writing Anusha. So far I haven’t read any of your books but I’m definitely inspired to do so now!

    1. Hi Ellen. Thanks so much for your encouragement. I hope you win the book in that case! 🙂 Or able to get your hands on them. Much blessing to you. Stay safe and well and happy writing.

  7. Anu dearest, very very proud of you. I havent read a book yet like yours! It’s so simple to understand yr anecdotes and you get alongside us as you are trying to teach, reach and empathize with the reader with your everyday happenings. May you continue to open our minds to newer possibilities in the simplest virtues of life and the most important truth! Love you always dearest friend!♥️♥️♥️
    P.s. if i do win this , I want to send this to Nicky Vanderpoorten in PERTH.

    1. Thanks so much dearest Angie. What a generous and thoughtful friend you are! Thank you for your encouragement on my writing journey for many many years – will not forget how you got me a TV interview for Enjoying the Journey! Bless you. Love you too dearest friend. God bless you richly and always.

  8. The giveaway is now closed. I’m pleased to announce that the winner of the random draw for a copy of Anusha’s new book goes to Janelle Moore of Queensland. Congratulations, Janelle. And thank you to everyone for your lovely comments on this blog post.

  9. I love hearing the story behind the story, and what an example of a long, often difficult journey that has yielded beautiful and timely works of encouragement that connect to the heart. Great to discover more about your history too, Anusha. How happy we are you and your family came to Australia! Looking forward to a time when a ‘re-launch’ is possible so we can celebrate your newest release together. A great interview, thanks Nola and Anusha.

    1. Thanks lovely Adele for your encouraging comment. Bless you for taking time to read and respond. Thank YOU for having us in this beautiful land Down Under. We are truly blessed to be here. I hope you are writing lots and keeping out of mischief! Looking forward to connecting with you person perhaps at the Omega conference 2021. Stay safe and happy writing.

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