Stories of Life: Vulnerability in Memoir
In this post, I interview some of the contributors to the anthology ‘Talking Trees and Other Stories of Life’. They share valuable life lessons through the challenges they’ve faced.
In this post, I interview some of the contributors to the anthology ‘Talking Trees and Other Stories of Life’. They share valuable life lessons through the challenges they’ve faced.
What Christmas songs are most meaningful or memorable for you? In this post, I look at some that reflect the true meaning of Christmas for me.
‘Palette of Grace’ is an inspiring Christian anthology of short fiction, nonfiction, memoir and poetry. In this post, we hear from the editors and some of the contributors.
A broken-down van on a Mexican outreach almost saw us miss our international flights. But God was working a miracle behind the scenes.
Hospitality is sometimes undervalued as a ministry, but it can be just as important in sharing God’s love with the world.
In this interview, Mazzy Adams talks about her debut novel ‘Licence to Die’, and the intersection of faith, ethics, technology and meaning.
In the lead-up to the first Easter, the people had to decide which of two prisoners should be released: Jesus or Barabbas. 2000 years later, we still have a choice to make.
In this post, I interview author Susan J. Bruce about her debut novel ‘Running Scared’, and the importance of hope and diversity in young adult fiction.
Social media has many advantages, but it can also be a feeding ground for negativity. In this post, I share some tips for making your corner of social media more positive.
I’m learning a little French to help keep my brain active, prepare me for future trips to Canada, and help me with a subplot for my novel. Read my post for all the juicy details.
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? I like to set challenges rather than resolutions. In this post, I look at whether I achieved my goals for 2022, and what I have planned for 2023.
Do you like watching Christmas episodes of your favourite TV shows? In this post, I count down three of my all-time favourite episodes and reflect on their meaning for us during this festive season.