You haven’t slept well. The dog’s barking. A headache is starting its slow rumble. You have to cancel your plans yet again. Your husband asks why you forgot to buy the Silky Softening Shampoo when it was on the list. You snap. You shoot some words back more abruptly than you meant. Now there’s tension. The dog’s still barking, and you grab an icepack for your head.
Can anyone relate to that scenario? I have a good relationship with my husband, and we communicate well … most of the time. But I’m sorry to say I’ve found myself in the ‘Irritability Bubble’ a few times in recent months. We’re human and sometimes we don’t respond the way we should. However, today’s passage gives some keys that can help in those situations.
“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold … Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen … Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you (vv. 26–27, 29, 32).
When you’re feeling angry or irritable, it’s easy to walk away. However, that just keeps the tension brewing and you still have to deal with it when you come back. How much better it is to nip that irritability in the bud by apologising and speaking words that build up. Some issues may need further discussion, but we can take the first step.
God is ‘gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love’ (Ps. 145:8). Let’s make it our aim to be more like him.
Dear Lord, it’s so easy to let frustrations get the better of us. Please help us to respond to others the way you would, not with irritation or anger, but with compassion and grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Q1 How have you performed on the irritability meter lately? Is there anyone who need to apologise to? What specific action could you take this week to build someone up?
Q2 Mediate on Psalm 145:8. How has God shown his grace, love and compassion to you? How can you respond?
Photo by Ryan McGuire on Pixabay.
Scriptures taken from the NIV Bible. Click here for the copyright notice.
8 Responses
Yes, I’ve had a few days lately when ‘things’ just seemed to go wrong. Patience is not my strongest fruit of the Spirit, so I’ve been a bit reactive at times, that’s for sure. Appreciated your timely article.
Thanks Jeanette. Patience is definitely not my best fruit of the Spirit either, so I find I have to keep reminding myself of these truths. I appreciate your comment.
Yes I agree. It’s so hard to be “slow to anger” sometimes when things don’t go the way you think they should.
Thanks for this Nola, a very apt reminder to trust and obey! 😘
Thanks for that, Kaye. It is a difficult concept to act on when things aren’t going well. Lucky God is so gracious with us. Thanks for commenting.
Your timing is impeccable…or should I say God’s timing and your receptiveness to His prompting? I really needed this today as there have been frustrations and stresses thrown at me from several different quarters over the past few days. Add to that the usual fatigue and pain, and let’s just say I’m a work in progress, and sometimes just a real piece of work. 🙂 I needed the reminder. I apologized to my very good and loving husband, and the sun is definitely not going down on my anger. Bless you, my friend.
Thanks for your honesty, Melinda. God was prompting me about this topic this week, but it took me a while to work out how to approach it. Definitely something I’ve had to be reminded of from time to time. But it is a great recipe for marriage, and any relationships really. Fortunately we have a God who is patient and gracious with us. Will pray those frustrations and stresses ease. Take care, and thanks for commenting.
Great advice, Nola. I can relate to the irritability bug rearing its head. 😊
Thanks Elaine. I think a lot of us can relate to it at the moment. Thanks for sharing.